Monthly Archives: December 2014

Simmons World Challenge: Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship

It’s important in the weeks ahead to develop something sustainable, a word I may be behind in thinking of as not just a way to keep the environment clean and healthy, but a word that refers to the longevity of big ideas in social entrepreneurship.

In the too-hectic week between Christmas and New Year’s, I’ve been frantically reading and writing to prepare for the upcoming weeks of research and lectures for Simmons World Challenge. My next blog post on Blogger (which follows my growth on matters of sustainability, consumption, and social justice) is posted in the link below. It comes after I read Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know by David Bornstein and Susan Davis, both accomplished individuals in their respective fields.

I hope you’ll continue to follow my posts and ideas in the weeks ahead, and Happy New Year!