Monthly Archives: January 2010

2K10: Here We Come

Every year we experience the same pressures about New Year’s Resolutions. “This year I pledge to…lose weight, eat a balanced diet, exercise more, fall in love, etc.” (I know those may be gender specific, but bear with me here.) But why is it, that after 365 days, resolutions fall to the back burner among a sea of other, more urgent, tasks and errands? Where has the initial spark that lit the Fire of Ambition under of our butts gone?

If you ask me, it’s simply a matter of goal-setting. Seeing your destination at the peak of a mountain, and taking the necessary paths to get there. You’ll need the proper tools to get there (Lord knows you can’t do it alone), whether it be the guidance of a friend or in this literal sense, a backpack and hiking boots. Sure, you might stumble and fall; in fact that part’s nearly inevitable. But as someone wise once told me, in an indirect fashion, “You need to train your inner voice to scream at you! Get up! Get up! Get up now! Walk, breathe, dust yourself off.”

So here’s to all of the goal-setters and goal achievers out there. This is THE year. OUR year. 2K10 belongs to us. Dust the troubles, sorrows, and moments that might have slipped away in 2009 off your clothes, and embrace every dream that lies at your fingertips, waiting for you to reach out and grab them in 2010. As NIKE says: “Just do it.”

2010 here we come.